2022 Ice Fee Due Announcement

Hi players and parents,

The season and teams are official, and we should get the game schedule soon.

As the pre-season ends soon, we are now collecting the Ice fees for the season.

You can pay in full now or in instalments
Payments to be made to
Ice Zoo Hockey Club
Account Number – 4144 19320
BSB – 112 879

IMPORTANT – Please use Player’s Full Name as the reference.

If you have a possible credit, please contact our club treasurer Joerg at joerg@icezoohockeyclub.com.

Details per player for each team level are below.

Explaining the breakdown:

Rink Fee for Training

This fee covers all training sessions for the season. Not all teams have the same amount of rink time during the year, but it all works out at $18 per session for everyone.

IHNSW Officials Fee

IHNSW charges each team that have accredited game officials (Referee and 2 line officials). Not applicable to all teams. 

Game Day First – 4 x games

The first four games of the season are paid for by the club, giving the time for team managers to get organised and start collecting for all subsequent games. Not applicable to all teams.

If you have any questions, please contact our club secretary natalie@icezoohockeyclub.com.au  

We look forward to the 2022 Season.


Ice Zoo Hockey Club