Spring Camp at the Zoo

Stay in top shape and identify areas for improvement this spring, setting the foundation for a stronger performance in the coming year.

Click image to download PDF details

Players/ Goalies must be registered with a club or hold a development junior membership.

For those playing in the Juicebox 2023 league, use the “JUICEBOX” coupon and save $50.

All ice hockey gear is required, including a neck guard, training jersey and socks.

Download the full gear list here.

If you have any other questions, please contact us

2023 Pre-Season – Tryouts – Starts Jan24/25th

Happy New Year, and welcome to the 2023 season of the Ice Zoo Hockey Club.

Our pre-season program is starting soon for all our junior Wolves teams (from 7U to 18U) and our women’s Arctic Foxes team.

Meet your new or returning coaching staff and prepare for the upcoming season.

Note for SENIOR PLAYERS (over 18): Seniors teams are still pending the IHNSW scheduling decision for 2023. They may commence mid-year. We will let you know as soon as we know.  

Pre-Season training is for:

  • Returning players
  • New players wanting to try out for a team


Players must have:

  • Full ice hockey gear – See Gear List
  • A valid 2022 IHNSW/IHA player membership
  • A valid 2022 IHNSW/IHA development membership
  • A valid temporary 15/day Try-out free membership – Signup here


  • Skills development and test stations
  • Small area games
  • Fitness
  • Team selections and preparation

6 Weeks Schedule:

Tuesday Night

  1. Teams: 7U + 9U + 11U
  2. Time: 5:15 to 6:45 pm (Note: Jan 24th, a special time of 5:30 to 7 pm)
  3. Dates:
    • Jan 24th & 31st
    • Feb 7th, 14th, 21st & 28th

Wednesday Night

  1. Teams: 13U + 15U
  2. Time: 6:15 to 7:15 pm
  3. Dates:
    • Jan 25th
    • Feb 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd
    • Mar 1st

Wednesday Night

  1. Teams: 18U + Arctic Foxes (women)
  2. Time: 7:15 to 8:15 pm
  3. Dates:
    • Jan 25th
    • Feb 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd
    • Mar 1st


  • $150 (for all six weeks paid in advance – save $30)
  • $120 (if you use the “early bird” option – save $60) (Existing Club Members) 
  • $30 per week casual

Reserve your spot

We do have a maximum amount of space before the ice gets crowded, so priority will be given to returning players and players who reserve their spots. Walk-ins may be turned back if we are full on the day.

2023 Players and Goalies Expressions of Interest and Early Bird Registrations

2023 EOI

The Ice Zoo Hockey Club is now ready to accept expressions of interest from any player or goalie interested in playing ice hockey on a team in 2023. 

The Ice Zoo Hockey Club is a fun and friendly place to learn, develop and excel at ice hockey.

  • We have teams at all levels available, including senior teams.
  • Women’s Team – open to all females 14 & over.
  • Summer training and tryouts scheduled over January (late), February and March will be announced early in the new year.

If you’re a current club IZHC member, you are eligible for an Early Bird Registration and secure your spot on a team for the 2023 season and get a $30 discount towards your training fees.

(This also enables the club to prepare everything for the next 2023 season more efficiently.)

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  1. The ‘Early Bird’ payment is an advance payment for 2023 training fees.
  2. Pay $120 to the Ice Zoo Hockey club account (details below) by 17 January 2023 and save $30 off your or your (child’s) team’s training fees.
  3. Then you (or your child) will be given a spot to play for their appropriate team unless stipulated in the terms below.
  4. You (or your child) do not have to qualify for the Club’s team through a try-out or any other selection process.

Please note that you will still need to pay the club registrations for the 2023 season (set for late Feb), including Ice Hockey NSW and Ice Hockey Australia.

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  1. IHNSW and Ice Hockey Australia determine your or your child’s eligibility to play.
  2.  To get Early Bird – submit this Form & pay $120 by 17th Jan 2023
  3. Payment must be made to:
    •  Ice Zoo Hockey Club
    •  BSB: 112879
    •  Account: 414419320
  4. For 14 years and over: You will be on either the Bantam, Juniors, Women or Senior team, based on a coach assessment.
  5. The ‘Early Bird’ payment is non-refundable if the player decides to register with another club.
  6. The Club will fully (minus tryout/pre-season) admission ice fees, if any) reimburse the ‘Early Bird’ payment if the Club cannot register the team you are registering for or if you have not been selected by the coach (Point #4).
  7. The entire ‘Early Bird’ payment is considered as an advance payment of the player’s Training Fees for the 2023 Season worth $150, but you pay $120 ($30 discount).

2023 Season Coaches and Managers

We are now taking expressions of interest for coaches and managers for all our teams for the 2023 Season, including a coaching director.

We are always looking to add to our crew of coaches and managers. No experience is required, so if you’d like to give it a go and learn from our experienced crew, please apply.

Submission closes on December 1st.

2023 Ice Zoo Committee Announced

Last night was our annual AGM with the biggest turnout and nominations in our short history.

A new committee was formed as follows:

Executive Members:

President: Hugh Deraps
Vice President: Chip Graf
Secretary: Alan Ng
Treasurer: Joerg Schmitz

General Members:

Logan Russell
Peter Dunn
Michael Fretchling

A Big THANK YOU to all past committee members, including Ashley Moore, Natalie Caruso, Epi Neto and Christine Fretchling, for their service to the club.

End of Season Presentation

Disco Night End of Year Presentation

Save the Date!

Wednesday 7th December of December | 6-8 pm

All families are welcome from all our teams:

  • Wolves – All junior teams – Mites, Atoms, Squirts, Peewees & Bantam
  • Arctic Foxes – Women
  • Danger Hippos – Senior div 4
  • Sydney Pigeons – Senior div 3
  • The Mighty Apes – Senior div 3

On the Night

  • Team presentations
  • Each player will collect a special commemorative collectible puck.
  • Disco general skate and pizza for all families
  • $15max per family or $5 for coming solo (Pay at the Door in cash)
  • Purchase Drinks ( & other food) from the Ice Zoo bar
  • RSVP with your team managers

Wolves in action at the 2022 Ginsberg Tournament

Ginsberg 2022 in Adelaide

This year we had a few Wolves participating in the Ginsberg national state tournament (for U13-Peewee players) in Adelaide a few weeks ago.

Reba was there to whiteness it all, and below is her report from the event.

We had three Wolves strutting their stuff on the National stage: Jamison Harris (Bantam & Green Jersey) nagged his mum to let him have some time off school and take him to Adelaide so he could cheer on his friends.

Dani Harris is a trooper and brought Jamison and his little brother to be the cheer squad. Such an awesome gesture of comradery and friendship that was deeply appreciated by Kristina and Louie.

Kristina Dmitriyev (First year Peewee) was drafted by ACT and played centre for them and played her hardest in every game. She did a fabulous job on a team where not many of the kids had played together before.

Louie Meagher (second year peewee) as the reserve goalie for NSW he travelled and stayed with the NSW squad and served in the tournament as the Emergency Backup Goalie (EBUG). All teams except SA had two goalies and didn’t require his services. SA had one goalie so Louie dressed for them every game.

They gave him the third period in SA v QLD five shots on him and five shots saved. The game was a shut out for SA. He played two periods in SA v ACT then In a cruel twist of fate it was a SA v NSW grand final.

The SA goalie got rattled in the third period so they put Louie in the net. He did a great job – five shots, four saves and one went in on the rebound in a NSW power play.

It was emotionally challenging for Louie to play against his own team and not without some bumps. Some of the younger NSW kids called him a traitor but it was well handled by Remi after the game and everyone came home happy.

NSW deserved to win the tournament. They played so well – it was just magic to watch them. And importantly – it was a really nice bunch of kids that all seemed to get on very well together. Remi, Nikko and the management team did an amazing job and the whole thing ran like clockwork.

I was a cabin parent on the trip and really loved every minute of it. It was really full on but so great to watch these kids bond and come together as a team.

NSW brought home the gold and Louie brought home a silver which he says means just as much to him because he earned it on the day.

In a really beautiful gesture of thanks the SA team presented Louie with the jersey he wore for them. It’s particularly special because the SA jerseys belong to the club and are handed down to each player and they stitch a panel on the back with their name on.

After the tournament they take their name off the jersey and hand it back to the club. You will no doubt see him around the rink in it – he wears it to bed, wore it to training on Tuesday morning and would wear it to school if he could get away with it!!

It was an amazing experience for Kristina and Louie. Our Club can be very proud of how they both played, the way they fitted in with teams they had never encountered before and the new hockey friendships they have made.

Louie and I would really like to thank everyone at the Wolves for your encouragement and support in the lead up to the tournament.

Thanks, Reba and congrats to all.

We would like to also mention that Finn Moore (who left the club a few weeks before the tournament) made the NSW team this year also. Finn has been part of the Wolves since he was an Atom and we wish him well in his future endeavours.